Mexican peasants and mothers of missing say diocese barring them from pope
Mexican peasants and mothers of missing say diocese barring them from popeJuárez residents, who have suffered horrific violence, request audience with Francis during his visit to border by Ignacio Alvarado Álvarez CIUDAD JUÁREZ, Mexico — Mesh wire was hurriedly...
Lucha por 50 centavos
Lucha por 50 centavosEn Ciudad Juárez, los obreros se levantan contra el sistema de maquila Francisca Rivera fue despedida por Lexmark, la corporación basada en Kentucky, EEUU, después de exigir un aumento de sueldo de $5.62 a $6.10 diarios. por Ignacio Alvarado...
Mexico’s ghost towns
Mexico's ghost townsResidents seeking asylum in US fear returning to deadly Juárez Valley By Ignacio Alvarado Álvarez in Guadalupe, Mexico Photos by Julián Cardona for Al Jazeera America Published on Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015 In the spring, the mayor of Guadalupe had...
Bishop: Natural resources are being snatched from indigenous Mexicans
Bishop: Natural resources are being snatched from indigenous MexicansNewly formed people's assembly aims to rewrite political and legal order to better protect poor from private interests by Ignacio Alvarado Álvarez MEXICO CITY — The voice of the Dominican friar Raúl...
Terror in Coahuila: ‘Everything became hell’ after Zetas entered prisons – Part 3
Terror in Coahuila: ‘Everything became hell’ after Zetas entered prisonsState authorities have since regained control, but inmates say torture and murder continue by Ignacio Alvarado Álvarez Editor’s note: This is the last in a three-part series, “Terror in Coahuila.”...
Terror in Coahuila: Gas reserves beneath turf war in northern Mexico? – Part 2
Terror in Coahuila: Gas reserves beneath turf war in northern Mexico?Texas researchers link spike in murders and disappearances to land grab in energy-rich Burgos Basin by Ignacio Alvarado Álvarez Editor’s note: This is the second in a three-part series, “Terror in...
Terror in Coahuila: Up to 300 disappeared in Mexico’s forgotten massacre – Part 1
Terror in Coahuila: Up to 300 disappeared in Mexico’s forgotten massacre43 missing students sparked outrage around the world, but earlier atrocity in northern Mexico went virtually ignored by Ignacio Alvarado Álvarez Editor’s note: This is the first in a three-part...
Closer look at massacre in Mexico reveals glimpse of corruption
Foto: Yuri Cortez / AFP / Getty ImagesCloser look at massacre in Mexico reveals glimpse of corruptionDiscovery of mass graves of the disappeared raises questions of authorities colluding with cartels by Michelle García & Ignacio Alvarado Álvarez SALTILLO,...
about ignacio alvarado álvarez
Journalist - Periodista
Periodista especializado en sistemas criminales, estructura y política sociales.
Fue co-director de Newsweek en Español. Formó parte de la Unidad de Investigaciones Especiales de El Universal.
Ha colaborado en las revistas EmeEquis, Contralínea, Variopinto, Letras Libres y el diario La Jornada. Escribió para el área de reportajes especiales de Al Jazeera América. Fue jefe de información y reportero de la Unidad de Investigaciones de El Diario de Juárez.
Conferencista y director de talleres sobre periodismo de investigación en universidades de México, Estados Unidos, Europa y Centroamérica.
Es coautor de los libros La Guerra por Juárez (Planeta 2010) y La guerra contra el narco y otras mentiras (BUAP 2011).
Fue asesor de estrategia comunicacional de la Comisión de Asuntos Fronterizos del Senado de la República (2001-2003), y productor asociado en América Latina de ARD, Televisión Pública Alemana.
Actualmente colabora en portafolios de investigación con Insight Crime.